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How I went from overweight, low energy and believing in 'everything in moderation' to helping others gain back their health, 

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Capturing Appetites in the vibrant foodie city of Hong Kong!

I'm a food lover and after moving to Asia over 15 years ago for a corporate job, had been fortunate to travel all over the world.  During my time in the corporate world and since then, I've visited some of the best restaurants - from hawker stalls to sidewalk cafes to white tablecloth restaurants. 

Negroni Week - Gin, Dry Vermouth, Campar

I noticed that so many restaurants with really, really fantastic food were not always full. 


Most people look on the internet to decide where they want to go when they eat out. 


Having a background in branding and sales, I realized that customers these days have such a plethora of choices on where to dine, that many fantastic restaurants don't have as many customers as they should. 


A picture can be worth a thousand words and brands these days, including restaurant brands, have a difficult time keeping up with their competitors and pulling in repeat and new clients.


Let me help you Capture Appetites.

Discovering this opening in the market (and being such a foodie!), I developed my passion for food photography and started helping restaurants.  I work with them to transform their businesses and allow the best food in the world to find it's way to more customers!


My mission is to help restaurants with great food become better known by more customers using my branding-focused food photography skills.

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